Salute Teachers
As I have been going about my work as an Instructional Assistant this week, it reminded me of how much my team of teachers has to do in a day. There literally is not enough time to finish everything. They are given more responsibilities to take on, while time is being taken away from them in the form of meetings of every kind – data, PLC, RTI, and oh yes, planning.
I chose to be an Instructional Assistant because as a teacher I felt I was spinning my wheels and getting nowhere fast. No matter what you accomplished at work, there was always more to do at home.
So as I made photocopies, laminated signs and math game boards, held writing conferences, gave math assessments, tore out textbook pages, made testing folders, decorated bulletin boards for Open House, took students to the Book Fair and so on, I thought of how grateful I am to be of service to my fine team. Having been in their shoes before, I am so glad I can lift some of their burden.
What I did over this week barely touches the surface of the extra things teachers have to do besides teach, but it is time-consuming. Teachers also juggle behavior plans, communicate with parents, organize money and chaperones for field trips, manage logistics for daily transportation home, picture days, field days, award ceremonies, etc. The list is limitless.
So, as I continue my duties as an Instructional Assistant, I ask any and all of you who read this blog to salute your child’s teacher in some way. Don’t wait until Teacher Appreciation Week in May to do so. Just give a smile, wave hi, write an encouraging note in your child’s planner, send permission slips and money in on time, read with your children and review their homework every day. These are just small tokens of appreciation but the value is immeasurable. Go teachers!