Teaching Citizenship in Elementary School by Promoting the Three R's: Responsibility, Respect a
I am fairly new to my school district. They have a positive behavior system that is charted out very much like the one above. The...
Jump in! The Karaoke's Fine!
Trying something new can be scary. Don’t let fear stand in the way of having fun. I’m telling you this as much as I am telling myself. ...
Remembering Grandparents on Grandparents' Day
Grandparents are good, old-fashioned fun. They expose us to the ways of the past like no one else can. They have lived the past and can...
Peanut Allergies: To Cater or Not to Cater
I recently read a mother’s discern over her children being prohibited from eating peanut products in school because a few students had...
A Great Book for Encouraging Self-Esteem
Just came across this book while waiting to use my school's laminator in a room adjacent to the Media Center. It is a hilariously cute...
How Parents Can Create Academic Monsters
A young junior in college discovered during a lucrative internship in her major of environmental engineering that medicine was what...
Salute Teachers
As I have been going about my work as an Instructional Assistant this week, it reminded me of how much my team of teachers has to do in a...
Serendipitous Discipline Can Be a Gift
I recently caught a tweet from a blogger for the Mommy Effect Magazine thanking various strangers who have influenced her children with...
Benefits of Literature-Based Lessons
I am drawn to literature-based lessons. If you choose the right book, the pictures attract student attention and reinforce concepts. ...
Nip Tattling in the Bud
It seems inherent in first graders to want to tattle. "Mrs. G., Chris is talking." "Mrs. G., Kim is playing with her pencil." "Mrs. G.,...